
About Clare Leonard

Clare Leonard was born in Glasgow and studied for an Honours and Masters degree at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee. In 1999 she relocated within London and began working from her Lee Green studio where she continued to develop her painting style. She now works from her garden studio at home where she lives with her husband and two children in Glasgow.

The artist works predominantly in acrylics layering rich contrasting colours onto canvas. The balance of scale, composition and texture play a vital role in the construction of her work.

Natural Scottish landscapes are the visual inspiration for her recent contemporary collection of abstract paintings. This body of work takes you on a visual journey to the Island of Arran and to the tiny haven of Tayvallich and surrounding coastline. Clare runs a successful weekly art classes for children and has also run creative workshops in her local primary school.

Recent Exhibitions

Canterbury Stark Gallery
Glasgow City Halls
Glasgow, Open Studio Annual Event
Glasgow, Tempo
Glasgow, Mansfield Park Gallery
Glasgow, Scotland Art
London, Affordable Art Fair
London, Stark Gallery
London, Brockley Open Studios
Glasgow, Aukett Europe Office
Glasgow, Interiors, Ingram Street

Private Collections

London and Paris Ltd.
Marquis of Bute

Clare Leonard welcomes studio visits and hosts an annual open studio event in December. For appointments and information on exhibitions and forthcoming events please click here.